Collegium Basilea

(Institute of Advanced Study)

The Millennium Project

The Millennium Project essentially began with the Actions 1 and 2, launched in 2005 and 2007 respectively. Since then a more systematic and comprehensive framework has been constructed.

The overarching aim is to "keep the flag of civilization flying". To this end there are three principal, permanent, divisions:

  1. Grand engineering challenges and solutions (focusing on sustainability and cancer)
  2. Redefining the knowledge-based economy: the learning-based economy (LBE), comprising: infant learning; graduate education; adult technical literacy; lifelong learning; and understanding innovation
  3. Implementation (including research quality assessment).

The Infant Learning Task Group (ILTG) has published a series of folk tales from different lands, and a series of Aesopic fables, with other projects in the pipeline.

A new action (launched in May 2017) is entitled "Responsible refrigeration" and seeks to disseminate a mature appraisal of the costs and benefits of this technology.

The Millennium Project is organized directly by the Office of the President, to which enquiries should be directed (e-mail: Proposals to join or otherwise contribute to the Project (including the development of further themes) are welcomed.